Monday, April 18, 2016

Indian government to add 2.2 lakh central employees in two years

To fulfill the dream of “ minimum government , maximum governance” of Primeminister Mr. Narendra Modi , the central government will add 2 Lac central government employee within 2 years span from 2015 to 2017.  

  According to personnel ministry , there are six lac posts are vacant in several central ministries and other agencies.  Revenue Ministry have a huge lack of manpower and this is to be strengthen. Mr. Modi already announced that there will be no interview for the C and D grade employees wherein only hard skills needed.   

A major reason for the spurt in hiring is that many departments faced acute staff crunch in Group B and C categories due to a moratorium on fresh recruitment's for the past several years.

So be informed and circulate the good news to all your known people who wants to be part of the movement - “ minimum government , maximum governance” . 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Make in India - A hit - Confirmed by Moody

Rating Agency Moody praises the Prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi initiative of “ Make In India”. Moody states that FDI inflow have more than CAD for the first time since 2004.  CAD is the acronym for Current Account Deficit. 

A country is known to be facing a CAD when the value of its imports is greater than the value of its exports. January 2016 witnessed the highest FDI as $3 Billions.  The other initiative started by government as Development of Industrial Corridors, Development of manufacturing zones and smart cities will definitely boosts up the FDI in near future.    Manufacturing sectors will really grow up by these FDIs.

The agency expects FDI inflow to continue to rise and provide stable source of financing of current account deficit.

Keep reading ..........