Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today is 29th October- A special day for computer Networking

We all are living in the era of computer networking and today, we cannot think to live without it.
This is the day in 1969, when the first ever computer to computer link was established on ARPANET ( Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) in US.

The first message which was transmitted between computers was , “Login” but only the word “ L” and “O” were successfully transmitted from host computer to another computer before crashing of the system but then after one hour, the message is successfully transmitted.

The first message on the ARPANET was sent by UCLA student programmer Charles S Kline at 10:30 pm on October 29, from the campus’ Boelter Hall to the Stanford Research Institute's SDS 940 host computer. 

Another milestone occurred on Nov 22, 1977- The first date where three network transmission took place among SRI International, Menlo Park and University of Southern California via London , England and the network involved ARPANET , the bay area packet radio network and Atlantic Packet Satellite Network.

Rest is History now and we all are connected today because of this day. 

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