Monday, May 31, 2010

Who is smart worker ?

There were two wood cutters- Ramu and Shyamu in a village. One day, they got an assignment of cut the 4 trees in a day. Both had one axe and they went to jungle. Ramu cut only two trees in a day and Shaymu cut 4 trees.

When they were returning from jungle, Ramu asked shyamu that how he able to cut the 4 trees in day and he managed to it only 2.

Then shaymu told Ramu that he worked on a very simple principle. After some time, when his axe became not as sharp he sat aside the tree and made his axe sharp and took some rest and again hit the axe into the trunk of tree. This simple exercise kept him fresh and axe sharpen.

Ramu told that he constantly hits his axe against the trunk and he did not care about taking rest and the sharpness of axe. He got the mantra of success and he thanked Shyamu to share the basic principle of working in a smarter way.

This scenario is fit for our corporate world too. There is nos. of hard worker we see each day but some smart worker takes all the credit. So , be a smart worker.

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