Tuesday, June 9, 2015

20 Golden rules to make a mark of your work at office.....

1.Do your work with dedicated interest and loyalty. Be punctual at work and try your best to observe the rules and regulations of the company and develop the passion quotient within you.
2. Improve your knowledge and professionalism on the job and if possible, be ahead of the times by reading about current research findings in your areas of expertise. Know the regular up-dation in your field.
3. Be the best at what you do, no matter how small or big the job. Treat every job with equal importance. 
4. Do not brag about your achievement. Let your work speak for itself or let somebody else do the bragging.
5. Learn to know a co-worker individually and to not base a relationship on what was said by another person. Believe in what you see.
6. Learn to have shorter periods of anger when aggravated and let the matter rest as quickly as possible. Anger toward a co-worker tends to adversely affect your work. Try to calm at office.
7. Accept your imperfections. When you make error, admit it. The cardinal sin on the job is to blame somebody else for your errors.
8. Use your errors as learning tools for education, and job improvement. This is how you turn your weaknesses to strategies for success.
9. Learn to identify and deal with thrill seekers of crisis. Once a problem is solved, they will create another. The rule is, as long as these people are kept busy, given numerous assignments, their energies to craft crisis or do havoc will be depleted. Don't react to these people as nuisances on the job, which chronic complainers can sometimes be.
10. Never destroy co-workers' work or denigrate them to elevate your status.
11. Do not bring personal problems to work or persecute co-workers as a reflection of your personal failures or problems.
12. Never get into a shouting match with a co-worker no matter how angry you get.
13. Find a neutral ground to negotiate issues with the boss or co-workers. When negotiation fails, learn to compromise; when compromise fails, learn to agree to disagree.
14. Learn to respond without stress to stressful situations.
15. Improve your work ethics and spend the major part of the job time producing.
16. Never take a problem to the manager without having two or three solutions for the problem.
17. Deal with an ego-driven manager with diplomacy.
18. Know your limitations, know the limitations of your boss, do your best on the job and know when to stop pursuing an issue. Your greatest asset on the job is your motivation to achieve and produce. No matter what the job is, always let your work leave a mark of excellence.
19. Treat your customers with respect and kindness whether they are external or Internal.
20 . Last but not the least, you will always be remember by your work in your company when you leave the organization. So, Give your best and do the best. 

Keep reading….Wish you a happy career…

1 comment:

  1. Explicitly documented... very good food for thought... thank you Mr. Anand
