Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Three books at Google Play Store - VMAGO , Happiness 1.1 Reloaded and Golden Words- 365 Quotations

I have published my three books at Google Play Store as follows :

1.VMAGO – A Handbook for Business Excellence : This book is a help book for setting the Vision, Mission, Aim, Goals and Objectives for any business house or an individual.  This books covers Five chapters as – a) VMAGO Setting & their execution, b) PDCA Methodology, c) Process Engineering techniques , d) career progression and requirements , e) some success stories.  This book is useful for every professional who want to seek guidance in their career and want to contribute in the growth of the company and also their individual front. Till date , this book has 4.6 Rating at Google Play Store and there are 23 reviews of this book also available at play Store.

The link to access this book is :VMAGO- A Handbook for Excellence  

2. Happiness 1.1 Reloaded : This book is an interactive session of a trainer and his participants who are there to find out the secrets of happiness and how happiness can be achieved and sustained.   This book contains examples and basic rules which are required to be happy.

The link to access this book is : Happiness 1.1 Reloaded

3.Golden Words- 365 Quotations – A good thought for a day :  This book is a collection of 365 quotations all around the world with an aim to keep the spirit high on all the 365 days of a year.

Monday, December 21, 2015

One Page from my book - Happiness 1.1 Reloaded

We all are professional here and I know we all are busy but if we have no time to take our food properly which is absolute necessity to build our health, and then please rethink and give time to it.  In our relations, where we expect a lot from others, we have no time to talk to them.   I suggest manage your time well and spent quality time.    Spare some time for yourself where you think about you and talk, and energize yourself.  When you want to cry, cry alone.  It will really release the pressure from you.   Pat yourself for good things and criticize yourself for bad. Life is pretty simple, don’t make it complicated.  Set your priorities and go one by one for it.

Believe me; we made our life complicated because we are always busy in analyzing the life.  Every time we start thinking - why this?  How this? When this? These all things are making life complicated and unhappy.  Live it.  Worrying becomes our habit and this leads to unhappiness.  I follow one basic rule to be happy.  Whenever I start any work, I think all positive and negative results of this work.  When I prepare myself for the worst, my fear immediately washes out, but my intentions are clear to be successful in that work and I do my job with perfect honesty and perfection.

Think positive.  Always look at how far we have come rather than how far we have to go.  Count your blessing, not what we are missing.  We are already blessed child of the great GOD. He has already given us many things which are not with millions of people living in this world. Is this not the starting point to be happy? 

You can access the whole book at : Happiness 1.1 Reloaded at Google Play Store

Saturday, December 12, 2015

My new book - "Happiness 1.1 reloaded : Unfolding the secrets of happiness" is now available at Google Play Store

When I was leaving my home 15 years back from mountains to Delhi, my mother gave me a suggestion that whatever the situation would occur in front of me, face it with a smile and always keep myself happy.  Whatever I will do, do it with perfect honesty, dedication and faith in God and also keep my five senses in control.   Whenever I feel low, I remember my mother saying to me. This really helps me a lot to keep me motivated and happy.

Happiness is one thing which we seek and chase for all our life and surprisingly this is all around us.
What is happiness? Is it a state of mind or something else?  How can we be happy in our life?  Is there any formula? Although we all know the basics of happiness very well, but why do we forget these in our life?

This is a question whose answer we search in our whole life.  Some people get the answer and some don’t. 

We know the basics of happiness however we forget these basics in our daily life due to work pressure, worries about future and other reasons.  We need to remember these basics always.  This is the reason, “Happiness 1.1 Reloaded” idea born and I tried to summarize the basics to my reader to keep them motivated always.  

Link to access this book at google play store is : 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Some Lines from my book - Happiness 1.1 Reloaded ..........

They real mantra or talisman of happiness is – Stay positive and be positive.  Remember, “It shall Pass” and accept it.  

Every situation will pass as the time passes.  There is nothing permanent in this world.  Believe me – we all are living in a rented house for a fixed tenure.   Then what is worry?  Enjoy life as it comes.  Come out from any rough situation by yourself.  Don’t expect that somebody will come and will take you out from this situation.   It is you, only you who can bring out of yourself from any situation.
Say yourself “I am Happy.”
Whatever is happening with me…? It is going to be better.  I was happy; am Happy and will happy.

Say cheers to life and live life as it comes.  This gifted life is to enjoy and to be happy. 

Life is just another name of hope and opportunities.  We never know by which form happiness is coming to your way.